Welcome to the Dermatology Department Web Page

Mission Statement

To promote

  • Patient centred research based care
  • Self Management through education
  • The treatment of patients holistically leading to improved quality of life.

Department Profile

Department Description
The department is the regional centre for Dermatology Services.  Out-reach clinics are held in the Cork University Hospital, Bantry General Hospital and Kerry General Hospital.

The department provides undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and is involved in clinical research.

Appointments are made on receipt of a GP's letter.  All letters are seen by the consultant and appointments sent directly to the patient.

Services Provided
Currently there are 5 general out-patient clinics held by the Dermatology Services in the OPD Department.

  • There is a weekly contact Dermatitis Clinic run by Dr J Bourke.
  • There is a comprehensive Melanoma diagnosis, treatment and follow up service run in conjunction with the dept of Plastic Surgery SIVUH.
  • Specialised Mohs surgery is carried our once weekly for complicated skin cancers by Dr Cate Gleeson
  • There is a Day Care Centre where both in-patients and out-patients receive treatment
  • There is a Nurse-led Phototherapy Service available at specific appointment times; Monday - Friday.


The Dermatology Department is located in the Victoria Wing of the hospital and is accessed through the South Infirmary – Victoria University Hospital main entrance and the Victoria Hospital Entrance.

The name of the Department is displayed on the door.  You can enter the Department where there is a waiting area and a secretary.

Outpatient clinics are run in both the South Infirmary OPD and Victoria OPD.

Day surgery is run in the Day Surgical Unit and the Dermatology Dept

Mohs surgery is carried out in the Pain unit



  • Dr. John Bourke (Consultant Dermatologist)
  • Dr. Michelle Murphy (Consultant Dermatologist)
  • Dr. Catherine Gleeson (Consultant Dermatologist)
  • Dr. Lesley Anne Murphy (Consultant Dermatologist)
  • Dr. Mary Bennett (Consultant Dermatologist)


  • Esther Hazelwood
  • Carmel O'Sullivan
  • Audrey Hourihane
  • Carmel O'Connell

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 0800 hrs - 1700 hrs
Dermatology Secretary : 021-4926330


Irish Association of Dermatologists
British Association of Dermatologists - information leaflets for patients


Page last updated: 31/08/2020
167434 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork