Infection Prevention and Control

We in the SIVUH strive to minimise the risk of infection to you, the patient, at all times.  You can help prevent the spread of infection by using the alcohol gel provided at all entrances to the hospital to clean your hands and by encouraging your visitors to do the same.

The SIVUH staff use precautions when carrying out all aspects of patient care to prevent the spread of infection which includes hand hygiene and the wearing of gloves as appropriate.

We would encourage you, the service user, to ask all staff members if they have performed hand hygiene before attending to your needs.

Health care associated infections are linked to treatment in hospitals, out-patient clinics, nursing homes and other health care settings.

All patients admitted to SIVUH will have a routine nasal swab taken to check for the presence of MRSA which is the most commonly known health-care associated infection.

Fans are not allowed in the clinical areas as they are an infection risk to patients and staff.

If you have any queries about Infection Prevention and Control Practices such as hand hygiene please discuss with a member of staff.

The Infection Prevention and Control Officers are available from 8am —5pm Monday to Friday and are happy to answer any queries you may have.

We would be grateful if you could advise your visitors of their responsibilities in Infection Prevention and Control these include:

  1. Using hand hygiene facilities available when entering and leaving the wards.
  2. If they are feeling unwell or have had an infection such as diarrhoea or vomiting or flu like symptoms, not to visit you for 48 hours.
  3. Please do not allow them to sit on the beds, request chairs from staff if not readily available.
  4. The SIVUH expects all visitors to comply with isolation practices within the hospital.  When visiting a number of patients a patient in isolation should be the last person visited.
  5. Please help keep our hospital clean.
Page last updated: 18/06/2010
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South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork